BUSCH Microsystems GmbH

+49 (0)671 / 201331 - 0


BUSCH Microsystems GmbH

BUSCH Microsystems GmbH

An der Altnah 34

55450 Langenlonsheim

de en
BUSCH Microsystems GmbH

Busch Product Overview

Always unique.

The precision positioning systems from Busch offer numerous benefits. They operate very precisely, accelerate fast, function smoothly and are compact, durable and easy-to-maintain at the same time.


With one click on the product, you receive an overview of all major key data. Or you know our program already. Then you will find further information through the links below.


Granite Assemblies Positioning Systems System Solutions

Do you need individual advice?

If you are looking for granite elements, positioning systems or system solutions customized to your specific requirements, BUSCH Microsystems is the right place for you. We manufacture tailored solutions in view of geometry, stroke, loads and functions. Please contact us if you need specific support or professional advice. Our sales contact persons are available to you.


Contact Persons